You can create a custom tax codes set that you can use with any number of tax returns. A custom tax codes set includes all system-defined tax codes for the tax product, plus any user-defined tax codes you add to it. More information about working with tax code sets is included in Managing the G/L Direct Tax Codes Grid.
Two types of custom tax codes sets are provided:
Custom Tax Codes Sets apply to a specific tax product and year. They are intended to be used in the setup procedure.
Custom Specific Tax Codes apply to a specific tax product and a specific tax year. They can be added using the Tax Codes grid.
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Custom Tax Codes Sets
The Copy From Return function requires an open tax return that has been activated for G/L Direct.
To create, edit, or delete a custom tax codes set, do the following:
Open a tax return in Return Manager.
Click Custom Tax Codes in the Options group on the G/L Direct ribbon.
Select the tax product for the custom tax code set you want to create, edit, or delete.
The Custom Tax Codes - [Name of Tax Codes Set] grid allows you to review and manage custom tax codes. The grid displays the lines in a selected custom tax codes set and has its own ribbon. These custom tax codes are intended for use in multiple years.
Finds the specified word, words, or value in any column. Enter the complete criteria to search for specific records or partial information to search for similar matches.
Pastes previously copied or cut information to the current cursor position. Not available in cells that cannot be edited.
Removes highlighted information from a cell that can be edited. Information that has been cut can be pasted to a new location.
Makes the highlighted information available to be pasted to another location without removing the highlighted information.
Undoes the previous action. Click Undo repeatedly to undo multiple previous actions.
Warning! The Undo command will not undo the insertion or deletion of a row or rows.
Insert Row*
Adds a user-defined tax code row just above the cursor location.
Warning! The Undo command will not undo the insertion or deletion of a row or rows.
Delete Rows*
Deletes the selected row or rows of user-defined tax codes. User-defined tax code rows can be deleted if they are not referenced in tax journal entries.
Warning! The Undo command will not undo the insertion or deletion of a row or rows.
Column Display Options
Allows you to select the columns to hide or display in the grid. Your selections only affect the current return and are saved when you save the return. See Selecting Tax Codes Grid Columns for more information.
Add Entity/Property Number
Allows you to add an entity/property number to be associated with an entity type (rental, farm, or business).
When an entity/property number is added, the system creates the standard tax codes for the entity type. You can create custom tax codes related to those standard codes. The new custom codes can then be associated with the new entity/property number.
Delete Entity/Property Number
Opens a window that allows you to select an entity/property type to delete. All tax codes associated with the entity/property number are deleted. If any tax codes are associated with accounts or referenced in journal entries, the entity cannot be deleted. Deleting entity/property numbers affects the G/L Direct side of the link, but does not affect the tax return input.
Tax Codes Report
Displays the Print window, allowing you to select your options to print the report.
Report Preview
Displays the Tax Codes report in the View G/L Direct Report window.
Grid Options
Allows you to edit the cursor options.
* Available from the right click menu. Right-click anywhere in the grid to display the right-click menu.
Editing and Adding Tax Code Lines
To edit custom tax codes in the grid, move the cursor to the desired line and column and make any desired changes. To add tax codes, move the cursor to the bottom, blank row and begin entering information for the new tax code. A new blank line is automatically created on the grid. Changes made on the grid are saved when you press Enter or move the cursor to another cell. There is not a Save or Cancel command.
Displays the tax code. Editing is activated only for user-defined tax codes and only the four characters following the decimal. A suffix of .0000 is a master tax code and part of the standard tax code set. A suffix of .0000 cannot be edited or deleted. A suffix in the range from .0001 to .9899 is a user-defined tax code and can be edited or, if not used in tax journal entries, deleted. Suffixes in the range from .9900 to .9999 are reserved by the system and cannot be edited or deleted.
If a tax code is not associated with an entity/property number, then the tax code must be unique in the return. If the tax code is related to an entity/property number, the combination of the tax code and the entity/property number must be unique in the return.
Entity/Property Number
If the assigned tax code is associated with an entity or property, this column displays the entity or property number. Examples of entities or properties include rentals, farms, and businesses.
The list displays entity/property numbers previously defined for the corresponding tax code. If you are using standard tax codes and a tax return is not open, only the number 1 will be listed. If a tax return is open, all previously defined entity/property numbers will be listed. See Adding or Deleting an Entity/Property Number for more information.
Displays the description of the tax code. User-defined tax code descriptions are optional and can be edited.
Displays the tax return schedule corresponding to the tax code.
Displays the return line corresponding to the tax code.
Acct. Type
Identifies the default account type of the tax code. The width of the cell does not display the entire account type description. Hover your mouse pointer over the cell to display the entire account type description.
Include in Transfer
Determines whether the tax return trial balance calculated for a tax code will be transferred to its corresponding tax line on the return. The Include in Transfer setting of Summary and Detail tax code types is determined by the setting of the Master tax code of the same prefix (and entity/property number, if applicable).
Note: User-defined Summary tax codes do not generate their own data transfer records. Instead, their balances are added to the balance of the Master tax code of the same prefix (and entity/property number, if applicable).
No. of Accounts
Displays the number of accounts in the return assigned to the tax code.
Summary or Detail
Displays Summary, Detail, or Subscript, depending on the tax code type.
Sch. M-3
Displays Temporary or Permanent to describe the type of expanded processing available. The display is blank when no expanded processing is available.
If expanded processing is available, you can click a cell to change the expanded processing setting.
The Schedule M-3 setting of a Master tax code (tax code suffix .0000) provides the default value for custom tax codes you create (suffixes in the range .0001-.9899). Once created, you can change the Schedule M-3 setting. If the setting of the Master tax code is later changed, this action will not affect existing user-defined tax codes with the same prefix. It will only affect the values of new user-defined tax codes.
M-3 Option
If applicable, allows you to assign revenue and expense account data with a tax code and Schedule M-3 option code. A dash symbol indicates the system default is in effect for the option. You can click a cell to change the M-3 option setting. The M-3 options allow you to route your data to specific lines on Schedule M-3.
Option 1
If applicable, allows you to select additional values for tax line items. A dash symbol indicates that the system default is in effect for the option. You can click a cell to change the setting.
Option 2
If applicable, allows you to select additional data options to Option 1 values. A dash symbol indicates that the system default is in effect for the option. You can click a cell to change the setting.
Managing Custom Specific Tax Codes
The Custom Specific Tax Codes grid allows you to review and manage custom specific tax codes. The grid displays tax code lines and has its own ribbon.
The ribbon, right-click menu, editing methods, and columns in the grid are identical to working with custom tax codes. See Managing Custom Tax Codes Sets earlier in this topic for more information.